Troubleshooting Gentoo Update Problems 5 - Preserved Libraries



During my recent update of Gentoo, the package dev-libs/openssl was updated from 1.1.1 to 3.0.9, as well as two of its shared library files renamed from "" to "". The problem was that there were two versions of Python existed simultaneously on my system. The old version was Python 3.10.10, which was based on the OpenSSL 1.1.1, and the new version was Python 3.11.4, based on the Openssl 3.0.9.

Gentoo allows different versions of the same package existed at the same time beecause of its slotting feature [1]. But what magic does Gentoo use to let different versions of a package rely on different versions of a library seperately? And what if the old version of the library package has been removed?

The answer is that gentoo will identify what files of the old version are still in use and then keep them in the new version. For instance, if listing all files in the new OpenSSL package, the shared library files from the old version of OpenSSL can be found in the output as well:

$ equery files =dev-libs/openssl-3.0.9-r1

However, next time when the emerge command was executed, it will remind you to rebuild packages that were built on the old version of libraries with the new ones. A special file /var/lib/portage/preserved_libs_registry is used by Gentoo to records what old files are preserved. It should be empty if there is no preserved librariy issue:

  "dev-libs/openssl:0": [

The way to resolve such problem is by executing the following command to rebuild old packages [2]:

$ sudo emerge --ask --verbose @preserved-rebuild

Or by using a helper program revdev-rebuild to figure out what emerge command should be used to solve it [3]:

$ sudo revdep-rebuild --library /usr/lib64/

Once done, Python will be updated to a new version, which is 3.10.12. Since rebuilt, it is now based on the new version of OpenSSL, and if checking again all files in the new package of OpenSSL, old shared library files will not be there any more:

$ equery files =dev-libs/openssl-3.0.9-r1

Thanks for reading :)
