实战 LVM



我现在正在使用的是一台 HP EliteBook 8470p 笔记本。 它本身是带个光驱盘的,不过我把光驱盘取下来换成了一块 2.5 寸的机械硬盘, 用来挂载到用户目录下的 Pictures, Downloads 等。

由于这块机械硬盘有 1TB 的容量,且我目前的用量需求也不完全明确, 所以决定使用 LVM,这样可以在有需要的时候实现动态扩容。


Initialize a new physical volume:

# pvcreate /dev/sd<X>

Create a new volume group:

# vgcreate <VG> /dev/sd<X>

Create a new logical volume to use all left space in the volume group created above:

# lvcreate -l +100%FREE -n <LV> <VG>

Format the logical volume:

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/<VG>/<LV>

Update fstab file, add the following line:

/dev/<vg name>/<LV> <mount point> ext4 defaults,noauto,user 0 0

Mount logical volume:

$ mount <mount point>

Set ownership of usr and group for mount point:

# chown -R <uid>:<gid> <mount point>


Initialize a new physical volume:

# pvcreate /dev/sd<XX>

Extend an existed group volume:

# vgextend <VG> /dev/sd<XX>

Create a new logical volume to use all left space in the volume group:

# lvcreate -l +100%FREE -n <LV> <VG>

Format the logical volume:

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/<VG>/<LV>


Initialize a new physical volume:

# pvcreate /dev/sd<XXX>

Extend an existed group volume:

# vgextend <VG> /dev/sd<XXX>

Extend an existed logical volume to use all left space in the volume group:

# lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/<VG>/<LV>

Extend ext4 partition on the logical volume:

# resize2fs /dev/<VG>/<LV>


Renaming a volume group:

# vgrename /dev/<VG> /dev/<VG_RENAME>

Thanks for reading :)